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Новости >> Конференция в Италии по проблемам заболеваний, связанных с избытком или дефицитом йода

2006, октябрь, 8
Конференция в Италии по проблемам заболеваний, связанных с избытком или дефицитом йода
Итальянский Фонд Ромуальдо дель Бьянко приглашает принять участие во 2-м Флорентийском медицинском симпозиуме «Ischemic heart disease, arrithymias and iodine induced disorders», в секциях «Iodine deficiency disorders», «Iodine excess induced diseases», «Update on Iodine prophylaxis of IDD with iodine salt and its results». Документы для участия (включая тезисы) подавать до 15 октября 2006 года (можно по электронной почте). Приводим полный текст письма организаторов:
Dear Sir, dear Madam,
Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, in collaboration with the Unit for invasive and non-invasive diagnosis of thyroid diseases– SOD Endocrinologia (Endocrine Unit), AOUC, Firenze and the Unita Cardiologia (Cardiological Unit) of Santa Maria Nuova Hospital of Florence, is organising an international conference due to study the relationship between ischemic heart disease, arrithymias and iodine (excess and deficiency) induced disorders in some European Countries, with special focus on those of Central Eastern Europe, titled:
II Florentine Medical East-West Symposium:
"Ischemic heart disease, arrithymias and iodine induced disorders"
This is the second medical meeting promoted by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and it is aimed to an exchange of experience in the field, as well as to settle the guidelines for the future meetings; in fact, the organisers wish a program of periodical conferences on related topic and to widen the experts to be involved.
The conference is open for internal medicine, cardiac, endocrine experts and internal doctors from universities and hospital of different countries. Within 15th October 2006 each applicant must:
- submit a paper at least 7.000 characters long in English, by choosing one of the three topics here below enlisted,
- send a CV
- fill up the Application Form available on www.fondazione-delbianco.org , specifying the field of interest:
1. Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD).
The goals of this topic are:
a) to identify population at risk;
b) to study educational programs;
c) to evaluate resource allocation;
d) to evaluate IDD prevalence;
e) to evaluate the consequences on thyroid gland and function of children and adults.
2. Iodine excess induced diseases (IEID).
The goals of this topic are:
a) to identify population at risk;
b) to evaluate IEID prevalence;
c) to evaluate the consequences on thyroid gland and function of adults (with a special attention to cardiac patients).
3. Update on Iodine prophylaxis of IDD with iodine salt and its results.
The official language is English. All documentation must be received by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation at following address by email or regular mail:
Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation
Palazzo Coppini
Via del Giglio, 10
50123 – Florence (Italy)
Additional information can be found on the web site of the Foundation http://www.fondazione-delbianco.org/seminari/progetti_prof/progview_PL.asp?start=1&idprog=36
Our office remain at your disposal for any further additional information required.
Sincerely Yours
Secretary Office
Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation
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