Many members of Volgograd State Medical University and other Volgograd institutes preparating their thesises performed at least part of experiments in our Department of Biochemistry. They are I.G.Balandin, G.G.Nazarenko, N.A.Ivanova, V.A.Hramov, L.I.Dubakina, A.F.Yurin, V.P.Tikhonov, G.I.Zhidovinov, N.I.Derevyanchenko, E.A.Ioanidi, Z.S.Skvortsova, A.V.Muzhichenko, I.S.Kasabian, I.E.Khaletskaya, L.V.Goncharova, V.I.Zakrevsky.
Three teachers of our Department had defended their PhD thesises on Biology since 2000.
Natalia A. MOKHOVA Incsecticide 'karate' influences on animal oxidative stress level 2001, Mar.15 Thesis isn't accessible
Tamara A. POPOVA Assessing of possible ecotoxicological risk of 'karate' insecticide low-dose treatment by use of mitochondrial antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation measurement 2002, Jul.1 Thesis isn't accessible