Volgograd State Medical University

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Departments of the Volgograd State Medical University
  1. Department for Basic and Clinical Biochemistry
  2. Department for Biology
  3. Department for Chemistry
  4. Department for Children’s Diseases
  5. Department for Children’s Diseases of the College for Pediatrics
  6. Department for Children’s Infectious Diseases
  7. Department for Clinical Pharmacology and Intensive Therapy with Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Allergology, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  8. Department for Clinical Psychology
  9. Department for Foreign Languages and Latin
  10. Department for Forensic Medicine with the Course of Medical Law
  11. Department for General Hygiene and Ecology
  12. Department for General Surgery and Urology
  13. Department for Health Care
  14. Department for Histology, Embryology, Cytology
  15. Department for History and Country Studies
  16. Department for Hospital Surgery
  17. Department for Hospital Therapy, Military field therapy with the Clinical Course of Rheumatology, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  18. Department for Human Anatomy
  19. Department for Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology
  20. Department for Internal Diseases of Colleges for Dentistry and Pediatrics
  21. Department for Microbiology, Virology, Immunology with the Course of Clinical Microbiology
  22. Department for Military and Emergency Medicine
  23. Department for Neurology, Neurosurgery with the Course of Medical Genetics
  24. Department for Normal Physiology
  25. Department for Obstetrics and Gynecology
  26. Department for Oncology with the Course of Oncology, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  27. Department for Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
  28. Department for Ophthalmology
  29. Department for Orthopedic Dentistry
  30. Department for Otorhinolaryngology
  31. Department for Pathological Anatomy
  32. Department for Pathological Physiology
  33. Department for Pediatric Dentistry
  34. Department for Pediatric Surgery
  35. Department for Pharmacology
  36. Department for Pharmacognosy and Botany
  37. Department for Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology with the Course of Management and Economy for Pharmacy
  38. Department for Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry
  39. Department for Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with the Course of Psychology and Sociology for Medicine
  40. Department for Phthisiopulmonology with the Course of Clinical Immunology
  41. Department for Physics and Higher Mathematics and Informatics
  42. Department for Physical Education
  43. Department for Physical Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine with the Course of Physical Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  44. Department for Polyclinic Therapy
  45. Department for Propedeutics of Internal Diseases
  46. Department for Propedeutics of Dental Diseases
  47. Department for Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology with the Course of Psychiatry
  48. Department for Radiodiagnostics and Radiotherapy
  49. Department for Russian Language
  50. Department for Skin and ST Diseases
  51. Department for Social Work
  52. Department for Surgery Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery
  53. Department for Surgery Diseases of College for Dentistry and College for Pediatrics
  54. Department for Therapeutic Dentistry
  55. Department for Traumatology and Orthopedics and Martial Surgery
  56. Department for Факультетская Therapy
  57. Department for Факультетская Surgery with the Course of Endoscopy, College of Advanced Medical Studies
College of Advanced Medical Studies
  1. Department for Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  2. Department for Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  3. Department for Hygiene, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  4. Department for Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  5. Department for Pediatrics and Neonatology, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  6. Department for Dentistry, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  7. Department for Therapy and Family Medicine, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  8. Department for Pharmacology and Biopharmacy, College of Advanced Medical Studies
  9. Department for Surgery diseases and Proctology, College of Advanced Medical Studies
Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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