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23.03.12 16:27 The visit of the Vice-Mayor of the city of Dijon, France

On March 13, 2012 Volgograd State Medical University hosted the Vice-Mayor for Public Health and Solidarity of the city of Dijon (France), Deputy Chairman of Burgundy Council, Ms. Francoise Tenenbaum. Vice-Chancellor for International Affairs of VolSMU, Full Member of RAMS Prof. Alexander A. Spasov, Director of Foreign Office of VSMU Dr. Andrei A. Tchesnokov, Head of Public Health and Public Services Department of VolSMU Prof. Valery I. Sabanov, Senior lecturer, Dr. Tamara S. Diachenko, PhD, Senior lecturer Dr.V.E. Lomovskikh took part in the organization of the visit.

The participants of the meeting acquainted Ms. Francoise Tenenbaum with the history and key areas of scientific research of the university. Problems of Public Health maintenance in France and in Russia became the subject of the discussion. Much attention was paid to the question of medical training system as well as to the question of cooperation, faculties and students exchanging. Then Ms. Tenenbaum visited the Museum of History of the university.

The discussion about Public Health of Volgograd Region was continued at the Public Health and Public Services Department of VSMU. Besides that Ms. Tenenbaum learned the organization of academic training, scientific activity of the Department, as well as talked a little with the students.

Foreign Office

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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