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13.04.12 16:32 Weekend Chill Out with MARA JPA sponsors

A JPA-MARA sport event with the theme of “Weekend Chill Out” was held on 1st of April. It was the first time ever the sponsored students organized this type of event. The event was held in KIM sport gym.  The aim of this event is to create the good rapport among the sponsors and students and also to acknowledge the students about the importance of having a good connection with the embassy even in any circumstances .  There was about 170 students took part in this event. Before the games began, we had a simple Opening Ceremony. The chief guest, Mr. Suhaimi Zainuddin, (MARA representative) from Moscow, graced the event with his presence. First, the Project Manager, Anuar Yaakub, made a speech. Then, all the students stood up and sang the national anthem song “Negaraku”.

All students were divided into 4 teams Red Team, Yellow Team, Blue Team and Green Team.  There were lots of games held on that day, among them were “Angry Bird”, “monkey-monkey”, “bowling rugby” and so on. The event closed by prize giving ceremony. The first prize went to the Yellow team as they were declared winners for achieving the highest marks followed by Green team, Red team and lastly by Blue team. All the participants enjoyed themselves and had an unforgettable Sports Day.  According to Mr. Suhaimi, he hopes that this event will be conducted annually.

Noor Diyana Bt Abd Rahman, 4th-year student of General Medicine (Malaysia)

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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