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13.04.12 16:33 MCN 2012

On the 31st of March 2012, at Aktovi Zal VSMU, a special event was held by the Malaysian students. The event was The Medical Culture Night (MCN). It was organized under IMAM-Volgograd, a Malaysian Islamic Medical Society.

The MCN is organised in order to gather all the Malaysian students to strengthen unity and faith, to strengthen the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood between students, to celebrate and show appreciation to students who has done a lot for the community and to provide chances for students to present their artistic and culture talents by taking part in the performance during the Medical Culture Night.

With the support received from the Malaysian Embassy ,university, teachers, and friends this event was held successfully.

The event started at 4.00 pm at the main VSMU hall and ended at 6.30 pm.

There were six performances performed during MCN.

  1. Poem recitation
    Razi (5th year) and Ridzwan (4th year)
  2. Drama
    3rd year stdents
  3. Dikir barat
    Combination of students from different academic year
  4. Band
    1st year students and 5th year students
  5. Malaysian Martial Art – Silat
    2nd year students
  6. Nasyeed
    2nd year students.

Besides the performances, MCN also function to honor those who took part in the competition held during the BULAN IMAM. Our VIP guest from the Malaysian Embassy, En. Suhaimi helped to deliver the prizes to those who won in the completion held during the bulan IMAM.

To make this event more happening a lucky draw was held during the MCN. Our congratulations to all lucky guests.

Thanks to our beloved  university for the support and also for providing buses  for students who stayed in Hiroshima and Kim hostel. We really hope that this event will be a yearly event held by the Malaysian Committee and in the next coming years this event will be much better.     Organizing Committee.

Noor Afidah Mohamad Suboh, 4th-year student of General Medicine (Malaysia)

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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