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26.04.12 13:35 Gorky Intervarsity Games (GiG) 2012, Nizhny Novgorod

It was that time of the year again, where the Malaysian students of VSMU were up and running, busy with various intensive training, tactical drills and all other preparations imaginable. This year’s annual Malaysian Intervarsity Games had come upon us, and for the 9th time, we were called to fight for the honor, glory and pride of our university, in terms of sports of course!

We gathered at Плошадь Ленина at 7.30 am on Thursday, the 12th of April, all 104 players and 5 supporters, accompanied by Mr Неумоин Валерий Владимирович as the sports chaperone and Mr Вершинин Евгений Геннадьевич as our sports doctor. Upon the thorough checking of documents and other paperwork, 2 buses were on their way to Nizhny Novgorod. The exciting but tiring journey took approximately 21 hours, and once we reached our chalets at  ‘Берёзка’ we only had enough time to check in and head back to the Main Arena for the Opening Ceremony.

And so it began! The 9th Malaysian Intervarsity Games, starting with men’s futsal, followed by frisbee and chess which carried on throughout the afternoon. All games were then put on hold, in conjunction with the Grand Gala Night. Everyone dressed up impeccably, and was joyfully and hilariously entertained by our hosts, the students of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical University. From the traditional Chinese ‘Fan Dance’, to the traditional Russian Folk Dance, to even dramas and plays that left the audience in stitches.

Day 2 of the games was much more intense, with female’s futsal, handball, volleyball, hockey, badminton and ping pong. Team VSMU fought hard, long battles and never gave up, even at the brink of defeat. Some battles were won and some were not as fortunate, but nevertheless the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play were upheld.

On the final day, the Games were officially closed by the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Dato’ Razali Haji Ibrahim accompanied by His Excellency Ambassador Dato' Zainol Abidin Omar. All in all, the Volgograd State Medical University contingent won 5th place out of 7, winning 1 gold, 5 silvers and 1 bronze medal. The handing over ceremony concluded the event, with the passing of the rights to VSMU therefore officially signifying Volgograd as host of the 10th Malaysian Intervarsity Games, 2013.

Daniel Mathen Mathew
Head of Contingent,
4th course, Group 30

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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