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24.05.12 21:37 A group of international students has attended the first meeting of the club "Museyon VolSMU"

On May 18, Museum of History of Volgograd State Medical University in celebration of International Museum Day has held the first meeting of the club "Museyon VolSMU." Russian students of General medicine faculty which are studying the history of science, and foreign students from India and Lebanon, studying at the Department of the Russian language had attended the meeting. Both Russian and foreign students have prepared interesting reports and presentations on proper topics.

Russian students made presentations on "The Museum of the History of Science and Culture, demonstrated the specific features of sciences such as museology and museum management, and presented the story about the most world famous museums (the Louvre, the Metropolitan, the Hermitage, Museum in Cairo, the Vatican Museum). Reporting on "Regional specificity of Museums in Russia" students made presentations and told about some of the museums of the Volgograd region and other regions of our country.

Foreign students have prepared their presentations and stories in Russian about the most famous museums in the countries where they were from. Thus, the participants of the meeting made presentations of the most famous museums in India as the Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad which houses "world largest one man collection", the Red Ford which is in the Indian capital New Delhi, as well as the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada and the largest historical museum of Beirut (Lebanon). The students talked about the history of these museums and the unique artifacts of museums' collections.

At the end of the meeting under the theme of "Medical museums in the structure of cultural heritage," a film about the history of the Museum of Health of the Volgograd region, which is located in a regional hospital, was demonstrated.

The first meeting of the club "Museyon VolSMU" was held in an atmosphere of creativity and cognition. Project Manager, Head of the museum, Elena V. Komissarova hoped that the meetings of the club "Museyon VolSMU" will become a tradition, and international students will be the active participants of the project as well.

Natalia Goncharenko,
Russian Language Department

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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