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12.10.12 16:25 Mega Raya Festival 2012

On 16th September 2012, a «Mega Raya Celebration 2012» was held at the Aktovi Zal, Medical Hostel No. 4, Hiroshima Street 8. This is an annual celebration for Malaysian community here in Volgograd. However, this year’s celebration is unique as it was in conjunction with Malaysia’s 55th National Independence Day.

This event was fully organized by the 4th year students of General Medicine Faculty. This blissful and colorful event united us Malaysians along with our unique and rich cultures which were portrayed by the multi-colored costumes worn by the students.

Our special guests were our beloved Malaysian Curator, Nina Arsenyevna and Vladislav Goncharenko together with his wife was entertained by various traditional and patriotic performances prepared by our talented Malaysian students. The performances were traditional Indian and Chinese dances, Raya sketch and beautiful songs by the “Love Volgograd” band.

There were also other slots such as lucky draws and games offered to our guests. Many prizes and tokens were given out for the “lucky” person on that day. At around 1.00 pm, the ceremony ended up with photography sessions for every batch. The most anticipated event ended with a mini national-scrumptious lunch which the menus were prepared and served by our students. The menus were “Rendang”, “Nasi Himpit”, “Kuah Kacang”, “Satay” and Malay dessert “Agar-agar”.

Intan Nor Asmarina Razali,
4th year, General Medicine Faculty

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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