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3.12.12 01:32 Deepavali 2012

Every year, Indians all around the world gather to celebrate a very special and significant festival. Deepavali, as it is widely known, is a celebration of light against the darkness, the triumph of good against evil. This year was no different. On the 25th of November 2012, the Malaysian Indians hosted their fellow countrymen for this year’s festivities, themed ‘Deepam’ which, in Tamil means lamp, a symbol of light and hope.

The event, organized by the 5th years, started at 11.30 am  with an opening display of traditional dance followed by speeches from the Malaysian Students’ Association President, Mr Syed Aidid and the President of the Volgograd Malaysian Indian Association, Mr Raj Kumar Sevalingam. Then, a number of games were played and thanks to very sporting and cooperative members of the audience, the atmosphere was brightened up.

A couple of songs were sung, among them a video and song tribute to a very dear friend. Next up were dances, featuring a mix of traditional as well as contemporary. The audience was treated to an amazing performance by guest dancers from the Malaysian Chinese community.

Last but not least, the organizing committee members themselves came up with two separate dances, the first to a Hindi song, and the second to a Malay song.

All in all, everyone was impressed and went home satisfied. The curators who came, Mr Vladislav Goncharenko accompanied by his wife, Mrs Natalia Goncharenko and Madam Nina Arsenyevna, thanked everyone for their good work and the organizing committee for a job well done. They were presented with a token of appreciation by the VMIA President before taking their leave.

It was certainly a memorable Deepavali, and I hope this tradition will be carried on in the years to come. It is our duty to not only to represent who we are wherever we may be around the world, but to also keep our tradition and culture alive.

Annete Sharmilla Nelson,
5th year student of  General  Medicine  Faculty,
Project manager of the Deepavali Celebration

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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