Volgograd State Medical University

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7.02.13 00:09 Official visit to Malaysia

From  the 18 to the 24 of January, 2013 Vice-Chancellor for International Students Programs and International Affairs, Full member of the Russian Academy for Medical Sciences Prof. Alexander A. Spasov and the Director, Foreign office, Dr. Andrei A. Tchesnokov traveled  to Malaysia for an official visit. During the visit negotiations with the following representatives of the governmental Malaysian authorities, universities, staff of the Russian diplomatic mission in Kuala-Lumpur, were held.

During the visit to the Medical Council of Malaysia the meeting with the Secretary of the Council Dr. Wan Mazlan Bin Mohamed Woojdy, took place. Pending the expected visit of an official inspecting delegation from the Medical Council of Malaysia to the University, for the purpose of renewing recognition of our university by the Government of Malaysia, the following issues were discussed:

the minimum qualification requirements which our Malaysian graduates have to meet for granting the right to carry out the professional activity in their Homeland, after the graduation from Volgograd State Medical University (VolgSMU); nostrification of secondary school documents in Russia ;  aspects of complete secondary education in Malaysia  as well as educational documents, confirming different levels of complete secondary education there, recognized by the Medical Council of Malaysia and also by the  Qualification Commission of Malaysia. In addition, Dr. Wan Mazlan Bin Mohamed Woojdy compared his notes regarding practical activity of Malaysian graduates of VolgSMU, who work at different Public Healthcare Organizations in Malaysia. He considered it as positive, though emphasized the need to improve clinical practical skills.

The Terengganu Foundation situated in Terengganu State of  Malaysia is one of the state organizations of this country, sponsoring the training of its students at Volgograd State Medical University. During the negotiation with Mr.  Haji Mohd Razali Bin Mahmud, Deputy Director (Education) the issues of training and admission to VolgSMU from the State of Terengganu were discussed. The Malaysian partners expressed their intention to increase the amount of students for training at VolgSMU. Besides that, the issue of running a joint 1-year long foundation course, carrying out partially in Terengganu and in Volgograd. It was agreed about sending of staff of VolgSMU for work at the Foundation course in Malaysia. Dr. Nor Bahiyah Baba, Dean of the Centre of Preparatory and General Studies, TATI University College (TATIUC), where the Malaysian foundation course will be carried out attended the meeting. Malaysian colleague was informed of Russian educational requirements (list of subjects, amount of academic hours etc.) which foundation courses in Russia have to meet.

During the visit, Vice-Chancellor Alexander A. Spasov met an “old friend” of our University Dato’ Lamien Sawiyo, Chief Administrator of the Parliament of Malaysia. At the beginning of 2000th , being a high-ranking official at the Public Service Department Malaysia (JPA) he was one, who facilitated  recognition of the Faculty of General Medicine at our University by the Government of Malaysia. During the meeting in January 2013 the issues of recognition of the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Pharmacy of VolgSMU by Malaysia were negotiated.

During all the visit to Malaysia Vice-Chancellor Alexander A. Spasov negotiated with a partner and a representative of our University in Malaysia, the Consul of the Russian Federation to Malaysia, Director, “Russian Resources”, Mr. Teoh Seng Lee. They discussed the issues of training, staying in Volgograd  and admission of private, as well as government-funded Malaysian students; developing of partnership programmes with different Malaysian organizations and universities.

During the meeting and negotiations with Datin Dr. Rosslina BT Ahmad Mokhtar, Senior Deputy Director, Educational Programmes JPA (Public Service Department Malaysia), supervising the Russian Programme, the issues of JPA-sponsored students’ training were discussed. As well as changes in policy of the present Government of Malaysia in the area  of education abroad.

In the end of 2012, the Administration of our University was informed by one of the leading private medical colleges of Malaysia (Cyberjaya University) of its interest in enveloping and carrying out an Educational Twinning Programme of training of medical students. The design of the estimated program provides training at our University in basic-science subjects within the first three academic years, transferring credits to Malaysia, and further admission to the Malaysian university for finishing of training with a Malaysian Diploma. Besides that, the issues of a joint research projects were discussed.

During the visit to Malaysia Vice-Chancellor Alexander A. Spasov certainly couldn't but visit the “old partner” of our School – the University UiTM MARA. The meeting with the Vice-Chancellor and the Dean of Medical Faculty, seemed to be the meeting of old friends. Staff members of our University train at this Malaysian School for many years. Prof. Alexander .A. Spasov met with Dr. Igor .N. Iezhitsa, PhD and Dr. Anna V. Krasilnikova, PhD. Among others, the issue of joint research projects with participation of donors from Malaysia and Russia was negotiated.

At the end of the action-packed business trip to Malaysia, Prof. A.A. Spasov made a visit to the Embassy of the Russian Federation to Kuala-Lumpur, and also the Russian Center of Science and Culture. During the negotiation with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation  to Malaysia Madam  Lyudmila G.Vorobyova and the Director, Russian Center of Science and Culture Mr. Mikhail Y.Popov actual issues of nostrification procedure, collaboration with Russian and Malaysian authorities concerning training at Volgograd State Medical University were discussed. The Ambassador was informed of current and future joint educational and research projects of  VolgSMU with Malaysian universities. In her turn,  Madam Lyudmila Georgievna voiced her approval to our University’s activity regarding Malaysia.

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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