Volgograd State Medical University

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19.04.13 09:48 Welcome to Malaysian Intervarsity Games 2013 - STIG-X

It’s been almost a decade since the first Malaysian Intervarsity Games, in Moscow, April 2003, where Malaysian students all over Russian Federation gather for the spirit of unity.

As the years passed by, the numbers of Malaysian students have been increasing, making this event, the most anticipated event of the year.

Initially, there were only 5 Universities, namely Moscow First Medical University, Russian National Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy, Kursk State Medical University, and not forgetting our very own, Volgograd State Medical University.

Once in every 5 years, Volgograd becomes the host to this majestic event, inviting and welcoming all other recipients to the historic city of heroes, Volgograd.

Games such as football, badminton, handball, volleyball, takraw, chess, ping pong, Frisbee and many more are usually being held, and the contingent with the most medals is regarded as the champion for the event.

Malaysian Intervarsity Games aim is to strengthen the bond between Malaysian students in Russian Federation, build healthy competitive sportsmanship and for everyone to have a good time.

This year, 2013, Malaysian Intervarsity Games named as STIG-X will be held in Volgograd, and will be attended by the Malaysian Ambasador in Russian Federation, TYT Dato Duta Zainol Abidin Omar, and also the Chancellor of Volgograd State Medical University, Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov.

Syed Aidid Syed Abdul Rahman,
5th year student of General Medicine,
Leader of MSA of VSMU 2012-2013

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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