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2.02.11 18:16 2nd Medical Symposium Volgograd State Medical University



Medical Officer,
Department of Emergency Medicine UKMMC and IMAM Central Committee
Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

Avenue: Kim Lecture Hall No 2
Date: 5th January 2011
Time: 0900-1600

On the 5th of January 2011, students from Malaysia were organizing their 2nd medical symposium or seminar in aiming for generating and producing more and more professional future-to-be doctors. This medical symposium was previously done on the year 2010 and it was a blast due to many useful inputs towards the students. This seminar involved Malaysian students from 1st to 6th courses who were now studying in Volgograd State Medical University.

The first slot was a sharing about the methods on protecting human life especially for the doctors. This methods includes the protection of the patient`s religion, life, mind/intellect, progeny and their properties. It was the responsibilities of the doctors to apply these methods for each patient they will be facing during the real-time as a doctor. There was also a sharing about the medicines we used nowadays which were necessarily had many harmful effects towards patients. The correct usage of nitrates, nebuliser, IV drip, porcine based medicine were also being shared by the speaker. Issues like the application of euthanasia, organ donation, urine catheter and stoma bag were also being discussed as to give a crystal clear view to all the medical students.

The second slot themed “LIFE AS MEDICAL STUDENT” was more on sharing from the speaker about 20 tips on becoming an excellent medical student. This sharing was a sharing based on the experiences gained by the speaker during his medical course. The 20 tips include:

  1. Close relation with the Creator of life.
  2. Be inspired by having a role-model.
  3. Self-discipline and prioritization.
  4. Strong will and motivation.
  5. Get alert with the academic performance.
  6. Know the correct way of practicing medicine.
  7. Learn the culture and attitude of human beings.
  8. Develop soft skills in oneself (such as communication skill)
  9. Know and learn as many languages.
  10. Develop own leadership skills.
  11. Good time and stress managements.
  12. Have a “support system” such as friends.
  13. Close and good relation with peers.
  14. Good relation with teachers.
  15. Close to family members especially to father and mother.
  16. Keep on doing special interest or hobby without neglecting study.
  17. Be a volunteer like the volunteer for WHO, MERCY in any bad circumstance (Hurricane, flood)
  18. Have more networks with others.
  19. Good management of financial status.
  20. Practising a good, healthy lifestyles.

“Living Life as Medical Doctor in Malaysia” was the last theme for the last slot of this seminar. The speaker shared about the “future journey and track” in medicine which will be experienced by all the medical students near future. This slot giving an input in which students can plan and focus for themselves on being what kind of medical specialists, consultants and others in the future. There were a lot of branches in medicine itself and students must know their own interest and capability while choosing their speciality.

As the last word, we would like to thanks all the hardwork from the organizer, the speaker and not to forget ,our university and deans for giving us an opportunity to conducted such an impacted-event especially to all the students. Hope we can organize such event again for the next time.

Prepared by:
Mohd Nadzrul Shah Bin Mohd Junit
Student of 5th year
General Medicine Faculty
Volgograd State Medical University

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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