Volgograd State Medical University

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2.10.13 16:46 A delegation of VSMU visited the University of Ostrava

At the end of August 2013 a delegation of VSMU, namely Vice-Chancellor for International Affairs, full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Alexander A. Spasov, Dean, the Faculty of Dentistry, Sergey V. Poroyskiy, Director, Foreign Office, Andrei A. Tchesnokov, visited the Faculty of General Medicine, the University of Ostrava (the Czech Republic). During this visit the delegation negotiated with the leadership of the University of Ostrava as well as with the city leaders. During an efficient conversation with the Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine, the University of Ostrava, Pan Jaroslav Khoracheck, a preliminary agreement was reached. It concerns priority directions of cooperation up to 2013, statement of protocol, organization of working groups in the first quarter of 2014, development of a detailed plan for the current academic year. It was also discussed on the possibility of students and academician exchange programmes. Besides, it was touched on the issue of European and Russian extra-budgetary financing for implementation of common projects.

In addition to the negotiating in Ostrava, the delegation of VSMU took part at the 40th Conference of the International Association of medical education in the city of Prague. There were covered such the acute issues as up-to-date medical education, new methodological approaches, perspectives of development.

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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