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29.04.15 09:51 A visit of representatives of some Arab countries to Volgograd State Medical University

Representatives of some Arab countries to the Russian Federation paid an official visit to Volgograd State Medical University on April 24, 2015. Among them were His Excellency Mr. Riad Haddad, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Russian Federation with his spouse; Mrs. Jarrud Ibtisam, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Libyan Republic to Russia with her spouse; Mr. Badran Shamseddin, First Secretary (Education) of the Embassy of the State of Palestine to Russia. This visit has been organized in the framework of the Days of Arab Culture in Volgograd. 

Representatives of the Administration, Volgograd State Medical University, as well as Arab students of the University met the representatives of the Arab countries. After entering the main administrative building of the University, the whole delegation passed to the office of Dr. Vladimir I. Petrov, Chancellor (Rector) of Volgograd State Medical University, full member of the Russian Academy for   Medical Sciences. During the meeting, Vladimir Ivanovich talked not only about heroic chronicles of the University, showed rare original ancient medical books from the University's library to the guests, but  also emphasized on the 53-year history of international students' training at our University.  It was noted that there were no complains on the quality of medical training of the Arab students since that time.  It's the matter of fact that some international graduates of Volgograd State Medical University, who are totally numbering over 4 000 doctors by now, practicing the profession in over 140 countries all over the World, have reached very significant achievements, occupying positions of national medical Ministers,  senior medical directors of clinics, and leaders of medical authorities in their countries. One of our former students became a member of the Parliament of the European Union.

Currently, there are 164 medical students from Syria, 168 - from Morocco, over 50 - from Palestine.

Furthermore, it was said that over 1,000 international students enter our University annually .

Also, the Chancellor stressed on good relations of our University with many entities in the Arab countries. Definitely, our Arab medical graduates love their Alma Mater indeed, doing their best to keep close personal relations not only between each other, but also with the University.

The most of the Medical Councils of the Arab countries recognize Volgograd State Medical University. The same happened in the case of the Republic of Syria, so far.  However, probably due to some technical matters, Volgograd State University had not been included into the renewed Register of Syria. Thus, this issue was also updated during the meeting with Dr. Petrov. H. E. Mr. Riad Haddad assured on clarifying this certain piece of information as soon as possible. In this regard, our current Syrian students may be affected by this mistake.

Dr. Petrov had a pleasure, and the occasion, to deliver the up-to-date news from the Federal Ministry of Public Health saying about making a decision on extension of the number of international students to be admitted to Volgograd State Medical University.

We may not forget that the visit was paid closely to the Anniversary of the 70th Anniversary of the Great Victory in the World War II. In this connection, His Exellancy  MrRiad Haddad extended his regards and congratulations on occasion of  the Great Victory. Mr.  Riad Haddad also noted a complicated political situation in his country, and expressed his awareness in a soon Victory over terrorism in the Region. He told that Syria had always been a multy-national  friendly country. “Syria has always voted for Peace” – said Mr.Riad Haddad. Having walked on the streets of Volgograd, visited the Mamaev Hill, and when got to know the number of victims of the Stalingrad Battle (over 2 million people), Mr. Riad Haddad said: “We are proud to be in the city that won over Nazi in the World War II”.

Also, Mr. Riad Haddad emphasized the great support of Mr. Vladimir V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, and representatives of other countries on the struggle of Syria over international terrorism hiding in the mask of democracy.

Arab students studying not only at our University, but also at other tertiary education institutions of Volgograd came to meet the representatives of the Arab countries to Russia on this day. Mr. Massud Tamer Bassel, a 6-year medical student shared with us the issues, which they discussed during the meeting. Thus, mostly, they’ve discussed minor problems, such as extension of validity of national passports, renewal of national military cards, a mode of payment of scholarships, etc. H.E. Mr. Riad Haddad promised to follow up all these issues.

Volgograd medical students raised one more issue, which is very important for them.  It’s the matter of the fact that, probably because of a technical mistake, now Volgograd State Medical University is absent on the list of the recognized Medical Schools by the Ministry of Higher Education of Syria. This certain news shocked the Ambassador indeed, and he promised to settle this sad mistake in the nearest future.

In conclusion, the students and the representatives of the Embassies discussed some more minor questions related to Consular registrations at the Embassies, confirmation of University studies in Volgograd, etc. 

All the talks of the Delegation at Volgograd State Medical University happened to be fruitful and promising for reinforcing our links and extension of collaboration.

Irina V. Kasimirova

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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