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5.05.15 22:31 VMIA GALA NIGHT 2015

On 12th April 2015, VMIA Gala Night was held by Volgograd Malaysian Indian Association (VMIA) with the participation of all Malaysian and Indian students in Volgograd. The event was held in Hiroshima Hostel hall and lasted approximately 2 hours.

As the theme suggested “When we plan, you have fun”, the event was held to entertain and acknowledge students with different modern and traditional Indian performances. Two Russian teachers were present on the day as our guest of honor: Natalia Vladimirovna Goncharenko and Nina Arsenyevna Chepurina.

Our event begun with a short entrance video showing comical the two emcees Mr. Kirubai and Mr. Elfred and also the project manager Mr.Suganraaj. Video was well received by the audience.

The emcees did a good job entertaining the crowd.

The next agenda was the opening ceremony by the guest of honor and VMIA President. They lighted up the “kuttu vilakku”, a symbol of peace and light.

Next, the President of MSA (Malaysian Student Association), Mr Amir Aqil and the President of VMIA, Miss Kaliswary Selvaraja were invited to deliver a speech. Followed, lastly by the project manager Mr. Suganraaj.

Up next were the performances by the Malaysian and Indian students.

In total, six performances were done and in between the performances, quizzes were held and prizes were given out.

First performance was done by Harinath and Khirupalani.  Their performance were based on fusion between traditional dance by Khiru and modern dance by Harinath.

The second performance was done by Mukesh and Nivriti. Their dance was choreographed based on late Michael Jackson’s famous songs.

The next performance was a singing performance by Prabu Vasudevan. He sung two melodious songs and his performance was well received by the crowd.

The next three performances were highly paced and entertaining dance performances. First up was a fabulous performance by Nava and Meenu. Their performances were so good that the crowd started cheering them throughout the performance. Right after Nava and Meenu’s performance, our guest of honor were invited to give their speech. Both of them were thoroughly pleased about the event.

This is then followed up by the highly anticipated performances by Prabhu and his team.

Lastly, the event was ended with a special performance by the committee members of VMIA Gala Night.  The dance were led by Ghaithrie and Thinusha  and consists of 4 songs. At the end of the day, the event was a successful one and will be cherished by all present.

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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