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17.06.11 17:28 Training in Great Britain

Bournemouth is a wonderful town to stay, to relax, to admire the sights and to study. Several teachers of our University, who work with international students,  had a chance not only to see this town and get acquainted with the British and their way of life but to take an advanced course in Medical English, to master their language skills being taught by highly-qualified teachers of MLS International College. They worked at their English during the first half of the day and applied the acquired knowledge in practice then. They did some things very well, the other things were done with difficulty. But everybody of them felt the atmosphere of the British Isles, found  good and bad points in his/her knowledge of English, remembered the times while a student, realized the importance of the English language in communication and found the time for self-studies.

During the studies they practiced spoken and written English. They paid their attention to peculiarities of Medical English usage, enlarged their vocabulary, perfected their pronunciation. They learnt much interesting about the English sounds, stress, how important the pronunciation is. Every day some minutes of the lesson were devoted to one department of our University. The representative of the department spoke about his or her work, about the work of the whole department, the listeners asked a lot of questions. It looked like an international conference. It is a good way of training as well, because a lot of our specialists go abroad for participating in some international conferences. They make presentations, their topics are very interesting for discussion and our doctors should be ready to participate in this discussion, they should be able to express their opinions, their points of view, etc. because they know a lot, they can share their experience with their colleagues.

Our specialists spent two weeks in Great Britain, and their  training course included excursions to some  towns and cities where they admired impressive sights of the past. At the end of their training course they had a lucky chance to watch the sights of London. Some of them had already visited this city before, but Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, the Tower, Big Ben, Tower Bridge impress every time you see them.

All the participants of the group are very thankful to our Chancellor Prof. Vladimir I. Petrov and to the Administration of our University for training in Great Britain, at home of the English language.

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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