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1.12.11 00:39 Indian Cultural Fiesta 2011

On the 13th of November there was held a long-awaited festival of the fall "Indian Cultural Fiesta 2011".

The annual Festival of the Indian culture has become a good tradition of Indian students of our University.

Traditions and culture of India has over a thousand-year history of the beautiful, incredible and mysterious country which was the cradle of human civilization, and until the 18th century it was described by historians as the richest in the world.

The diverse Indian festivals reflect the richest cultural and religious traditions of India, embody the history of the country and the region, and the one who can better appreciate its age-old history and culture  can feel and discover the real India.

To get acquaint us with their traditions and culture, Indian students association of VolSMU arrange colorful Festival, dedicated to one of the most exciting Indian holidays Diwali. This is a festival of bright colors with national songs and dances. Artists and dancers on the stage are students of themself – natural born talents.

On behalf of university administration Honorary guest of the Festival Vice-Chancellor for international affairs and international students A.A. Spasov congratulated our Indian students on such a remarkable event. A lot of guests, lecturers and friends of our students were invited so as to share such a wonderful day.

There were a lot of live colorful performances, classic national, traditional and modern dances on the stage during the concert program.

Among the Indian students associations – representatives of various Indian States – Maharashtra, Utar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Rajasthan, Punjabi.  Each State has its own dancing traditions and costumes.

According the traditions the first performance is a classic Indian dance Bharata Natyam. During last several years 6th –year student Margaret Theresa who was declared as the best artist of 2009 has presented this cultural dance as an opening of ceremony.

Talents of students did not cease to surprise: they were singing, dancing, and acting the sketches of student and professional life. Indian Comedy club amused spectators with jokes and mocking dances.

6th -year students

Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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