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News >> International Conference in Infertility and Assisted Conception
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2007, May, 26
International Conference in Infertility and Assisted Conception
on the Conference
On the May 15th, 16th , 2007 the Volgograd State Medical University (VolSMU) hosted International Conference in Infertility and Assisted Conception. The conference was run under the Auspices of RAMN, the Infertility Society of the Russian Federation and the International Federation of Fertility Societies.
The objectives of the conference were
  • To further the understanding of the epidemiology of infertility and its evidence based investigation and management
  • To learn the principles of risk management and quality systems
  • To learn of the international experience in the regulation of assisted conception services
  • To explore the concept of low cost IVF
  • To learn of recent advances in ART
on the Conference
This workshop was attended by Infertility specialists, general gynaecologists, nurses working in the field of gynaecology and infertility and researchers working in the field of human reproduction. Medical students and general practitioners also found this workshop to be interesting.
Among the speakers there were
  • Professor Ian D. Cooke, Director of Education, IFFS;
  • Professor Richard Kennedy, Director, Medical Centre in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Coventry and Warwickshire, UK, IFFS speaker;
  • Professor Lars Nylund, Director, Medical Centre in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Stockholm, Sweden, IFFS speaker
  • Professor Vladislav S Korsak, President of Infertility Society of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg;
  • Professor Nikolay A. Zharkin, Chief of the Dep. for OB&GYN, VolSMU;
  • Professor Ludmila V. Tkachenko, Chief of the Dep. for OB&GYN post-grad., VolSMU.
on the Conference
At the conference there were discussed the following topics
  • Challenges and opportunities for ART in the 21st Century
  • Epidemiology and investigation of infertility
  • Review of assisted conception services in the Russian Federation
  • Review of assisted conception services in Volgograd
  • Evidence based practice in infertility
  • Principles of risk management and quality systems
  • Importance and connections between endometrium condition and outcomes of IVF
  • Reducing multiple pregnancies
  • Endometriosis and IVF
  • Intra uterine insemination – indications, method and outcome
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome – diagnosis and management
  • Imaging techniques for reproductive medicine and surgery
  • The role of Reproductive Surgery: clinical discussion
  • Regulation in assisted conception
Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd,
400131, Russian Federation;
Tel/Fax ++7-8442-38-30-28
(Vice-Chancellor for international affairs, Prof.A.A.Spasov)
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